jeudi 27 décembre 2012

Le Marché Couvert - The Great Market Hall - Budapest

Nagycsarnok (La Grande Halle) est le plus grand marché couvert de Budapest. Ce magnifique bâtiment a été achevé en 1897 et restaurée entre 1991-94.
Nagycsarnok (The Great Market Hall) is the largest indoor market in Budapest. This beautiful building was completed in 1897 and restored between 1991-94.

J'espère que vous avez remarqué le toit en tuile "patchwork"! (Cliquer pour l'agrandir.) Beaucoup d'hexagones!
I hope you have noticed the "patchwork" tiled roof! (Click to see a bigger version.) Lots of "hexies"!

Nous y sommes arrivés tôt le matin. Pendant le matin la halle est devenue plus en plus animé. Il était agréable de voir un marché florissant et plein de vie.
We arrived early in the morning. As the morning progressed the hall became busier and busier. It was good to see such a thriving, bustling market.

2 commentaires:

Sheila a dit… #

That is amazing , what an experience it would be to shop in this incredible market, thanks for sharing .

Needled Mom a dit… #

That is a huge market. I would love to go shopping there - or even just spend hours looking around.

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