samedi 7 avril 2018

OMG - One Monthly Goal - April.

OMG - One Monthly Goal
J'ai décidé de rejoindre la fête! Dans l'espoir de me motiver à continuer à créer!
La saison de jardinage va bientôt commencer (si jamais il arrête de pleuvoir) et cela prendra beaucoup de temps!

OMG - One Monthly Goal.
I've decided to join the party! In the hope of motivating myself to keep creating! The gardening season is going to start soon (if  ever it stops raining) and that will take lots of my time!  

Le nom ne fonctionne pas comme OMG en français. Ce serait - UOM - Un objectif mensuel?

The name doesn't work as OMG in French. It would be UOM - Un objectif mensuel? 

J'ai trouvé deux Moda "charm packs" de Minick et Simpson que j'ai acheté il y a quelques années en 2013! La gamme s'appelait "Midwinter Reds". Il est l'heure que je les utilise.

I've found two Moda charm packs from Minick and Simpson which I bought a few years ago in 2013! The range was called "Midwinter Reds". It is time I used them. 

Donc, au mois d'avril je vais faire un "Schnibbles". J'espère finir le top.

So, in April I'm going to make a "Schnibbles". I hope to finish the top.

Souhaite-moi bonne chance!
Wish me luck!


4 commentaires:

Susan a dit… # 1

Wishing you luck Lynne! The Schnibbles looks like a great way to get the creativity flowing!

Lin a dit… # 2

Good luck Lynne! Looking forward to seeing your progress. What a horrid wet winter it has been! We have been away a few times always hoping to keep the garden in check between trips but it just rains all the time. We are in UK at the moment and I am sure that by the time we get home it will be even more of a jungle than it usually is. Good luck with your gardening too. xx

SilentCompanions a dit… # 3

Good luck, Mum! I look forward to seeing the finished quilt top.

Patty a dit… # 4

Very nice. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

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