lundi 20 janvier 2014

L'inspiration pour le patchwork est partout ... Patchwork inspiration is everywhere ...

Une baisse soudaine de la température, un ciel bleu et "Jack Frost" a visité ce matin ...
A sudden drop in temperature, a blue sky and Jack Frost has visited this morning ...

Ceci ferait un beau tissu, ou un motif pour piqué libre, que pensez vous?
Wouldn't this make a lovely fabric or a motif for fmq? 

Saviez-vous qu'ils ont des trottoirs en patch à Prague? On les voit partout et il y a beaucoup de modèles différentes ...
Did you know that there are patchwork pavements in Prague? You see them everywhere and there are many different designs ...

et la Cathédrale de Saint Vitus a un toit en patchwork ...
and the Saint Vitus' Cathedral has a patchwork roof ...

Nous avons pris plus de 800 photos à Prague! Ne vous inquiétez pas, je ne vais pas partager tous - mais j'aimerais vous montrer quelques-unes des belles éléments du style Art Nouveau ...
We took over 800 photos in Prague! Don't worry, I won't inflict them all upon you - but I'd love to show you some of the Art Nouveau features in this beautiful city ... 

2 commentaires:

Needled Mom a dit… #

The windows are gorgeous! Yes, it is amazing how often you spot quilting patterns when you are out and about.

Carole a dit… #

Oh please do inflict at least most of them to us ! Prague is a wonderful city but visiting it with kids, you can't see everything, and it would be fun to do so vicariously while remembering good times there.

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